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Halloween Party
Abby's Pics Hehe :-P

Here are the pics from the Halloween party I went to in October:

Top Left: Hehe I do Evan's make-up. Enough said :)

Top Middle: Amy, Sarah, and I before the party started. Amy was a cowgirl, Sarah was a Catholic school girl, and I was a Go-Go dancer :)

Top Right: And there is the lovely vodka bottle that I had to avoid since I was DD...gggrrrrr

Bottom Left: And there's Eddie...he was a hobo-flasher for Halloween...I was lucky enough to have never gotten flashed :)

Bottom Middle: Brett and Johanna...I don't think this was at the party...but Brett was dressed as Jesus for Halloween and Johanna was Marge Simpson :)

Bottom Right: And there is Lili doing her birthday keg-stand in Evan's bathroom...why they put the keg in there...no one knows...







copyright İAbby Blank 2003, amb02h@netscape.net